
This new journal will provide a platform for Orthodox Christian scholars to engage with recent developments in the fields of philosophical and systematic theology. It promises to offer high quality and peer-reviewed articles, thus becoming a key resource for scholars in both academic and ecumenical contexts.

The only contemporary response to the impressive creativity of idolatrous nihilism is an even more striking and articulate formulation of what it means to explore God-given creation. This will call upon the exercise of analogical modes of thought for the sake of the catholicity, the wholeness of vision, that guides the mission of the Church in the world. Analogia has for its reason for being precisely to support and to advance this vision and this mission.

We live in a time when western Christians are showing an unprecedented openness to the riches of the Orthodox tradition, while many Orthodox are similarly eager to engage and learn from other Christian traditions. Never has the need been greater for a journal devoted specifically to philosophical and theological exchange between Orthodoxy and the West. It is a pleasure to see that Pemptousia has stepped forward to fill this important role.